Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Drywater Interlude 2

     "See what I mean?" asked Lefty, "it's a nice little engine if you don't mind the rust coming off on your britches."
     Minnesota Pete grumbled. "Pile of junk,you ask me. And that lady,  one I see poking around on it, what's her story?"
     Meat Lonnigan lifted his head enough to see out from under his hat. "Aw, she's kinda nice. She works for the Panamint Locomotive Works, doing some kinda research on this old can. She says they're gonna get it running and put it into revenue service either on the Drywater line or over to Soda Lake."
     "Huh! That what she told you?  I heard she owns both the Soda Lake railroad and the Delirium Route. She just pretends about that historical preservation stuff. She just likes fixing up old engines and laying track. Revenue service, huh! That'll be the day."
     Meat took a swig from the jug and settled back down. "Well anyway, she don't seem to take no never-mind to the likes of us. In fact, I kinda think she likes us hanging around the yard."
     "What makes you think a damn fool thing like that?" asked Pete.
     "Well, she seems to like the state of advanced dilapidation that this here engine so perfectly personifies"
     The other men exchanged looks and scratched their chins.
     "I mean think about it. If she's worried about someone taking a paintbrush to this old can, then she's got nothing to fear from us."


  1. I love the look of the engine and love the story so far! :) I'm a big story guy and I love when there is a story that comes with the great looking photos. Good stuff!
    I know we've had some round and round about the paint job, but I really enjoy the look of it. It has a style to it that separates it from some of the other images I've seen around.
    Nice work!

  2. Love your stories! Between your locos, site, storytelling, and other work, you are an amazingly creative person. Hats off to you.
